PERSONAL & TRAVELS OPEN WHAT'S IN MY CAMERA BAG July 23, 2015 I was looking for a camera bag for so long but the bags out of there were ugly or really expensive! Than I found this Jo Totes Nau
PERSONAL & TRAVELS OPEN IN INDIA WITH "SOUTHVIEW INDIA" May 6, 2015 I'm not a travel blogger or whatsoever, I'm just a photographer, but as I lived a great experience with SouthView Tour I want to s
PERSONAL & TRAVELS OPEN INDIAN DIARY May 6, 2015 Oh my God, that trip was just a dream, I've been to India three years ago and it was love at first sight, that time I visited the
PERSONAL & TRAVELS OPEN MY TOKYO | TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY September 21, 2014 The bamboo that bends is stronger than the oak that resists
PERSONAL & TRAVELS OPEN JAPAN LOVE | TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY September 20, 2014 A volte odio il Giappone. Lo odio perché non è un luogo facile da abbandonare. E talvolta temo di essere finita proprio fuori dal
PERSONAL & TRAVELS OPEN THE LACK OF COLOUR | JAPAN September 18, 2014 A Japanese legend says that if you can't sleep at night it's because you are awake in someone else's dream.